ReFi Türkiye: A Theory of Change

ReFi Türkiye: A Theory of Change

Consequences of man's footprint on nature do not only affect individuals or countries. All attitudes and approaches are now transforming the entire global system, and in doing so, are creating lasting consequences for each of us.

In 2021, we witnessed significant strides in understanding how Web3 technologies can be leveraged within the context of social impact. However, as of the first quarter of 2022, we've seen even more possibilities emerging. The growth of initiatives such as crypto philanthropy, social and environmental impact-focused NFTs, and ventures like KlimaDAO, along with the proliferation of the decentralized science (DeSci) movement, has transformed impact-driven efforts entirely.

All these have shown us that emerging technologies like blockchain or NFTs can enable the development of different solutions while addressing various social and environmental issues such as youth, climate change, and humanitarian aid. Investments in these technologies and the surrounding entrepreneurial ecosystem have also been revitalized by the potential of Web3 to solve our world's problems. In line with this potential, for example, the UNICEF Venture Fund has created a program focused on making equity-free cryptocurrency investments in early-stage nonprofit tech startups to provide seed funding and mentorship. The ReFi movement, with its focus on Web3, finance, and social impact, has shown us another way to address global issues.

The ReFi (Regenerative Finance) movement embraces a new approach aimed at enabling both financial returns and positive change.

Therefore, money here is not a goal but rather a tool (and indeed, a good one) that transcends linearity and sustainability. [2] With its aim of a new economic paradigm, ReFi brings the potential for transformative change through an integrative approach to repairing existing resources and systems.

📌 “Our economy has become an anti-economy, lacking a solid economic foundation and economic virtues, turning into a financial system.” - Wendell Berry

Crises and conflicts around the world necessitate a global paradigm shift. ReFi Türkiye is seeking a response to this, and change theory emerges at this very point. So, what does "change theory" entail? We can view change theory as a fundamental tool for measuring social impact. Put simply, as described by Paul Brest, it can be explained as the empirical basis underlying any social intervention. In simpler terms:

Change Theory is the process of articulating how a project or process generates impact by correlating its goals and how change is created in reaching these goals.

ReFi Türkiye: A Theory of Change

🚧 “If you begin to understand the foundations of the living planet and the vulnerable interdependence of the world of living beings, what type of economic system would serve this?” Kate Raworth, Flourish Systems Change

What Do We Want?

  • Discovering the driving forces in systems thinking
  • Accelerating the measurable impact journey in the fields of restoration
  • Understanding collective production spaces by experiencing new technology narratives

What Will We Do?

  • ReFi Türkiye Podcast: Podcast conversations with pioneers who think about and build on Web3.
  • Newsletter containing research, interviews, and translations
  • Web3 Economy Education
  • ReFriday Gatherings
  • Türkiye ReFi Report to Understand the Ecosystem
  • Spaces like hackathons, bootcamps where ideas will be generated
  • WikiMarathons
  • Content reflecting the impacts of global events

How Will We Create Change?

We are creating a space that rethinks the foundations and virtues of today's economy by involving young people and institutions. Thus, we aim to develop a participatory and collectively impact-focused perspective.

We are establishing mechanisms that enable collaborative learning and production for those contemplating finance, technology, and social impact. In doing so, we aim to bridge the gap in the sector.

📎 “We made finance up. We can make it up again.”  Joy Anderson, Criterion Institute